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Explore The Ashford of Mt. Washington

When you enter The Ashford of Mt. Washington, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.

Inviting senior apartments, high-vaulted ceilings, and tastefully decorated areas showcase our commitment to high-quality assisted living services and amenities…

But your loved one will pay 10% to 51% less than other assisted living communities thanks to our affordable assisted living design.

Nestled in a residential neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio, The Ashford of Mt. Washington offers access to a metro bus line, grocery store, library, post office, and more.

For more information, give us a call at 513.231.0008.

Experience a Better Choice for Assisted Living

There’s no need to settle for a nursing home or impersonal care from home health agencies. With The Ashford of Mt. Washington, you’ll enjoy a better option for your loved one. Located in Cincinnati, OH, our community ensures your loved one enjoys everything from a primary caregiver to social interactions with younger generations.

Leverage Available Financial Resources

If your parent’s retirement savings are limited, turn to The Ashford of Mt. Washington. We’ve designed our senior care to reflect your loved one’s financial resources, offering support that exceeds the price he or she will pay. If your loved one needs financial assistance, we also accept payment through private insurance, Assisted Living Waivers through Medicaid, and more.

Find Your Loved One’s Future Home

At The Ashford of Mt. Washington, cozy apartments welcome your loved one home. If Mom or Dad enjoys cooking, choose our one-bedroom suite that’s complete with a kitchen. Or if your parent is ready to downsize, browse our variety of studio models.

Enjoy a Virtual Tour

Our online photo gallery provides a glimpse of life at The Ashford of Mt. Washington in Cincinnati, Ohio. Spacious rooms, open layouts, comfortable apartments, and beautifully furnished living areas highlight our commitment to quality care. While you’re always invited to come in person, feel free to take a virtual tour.